Monday, May 30, 2011

introduction for paper

Marriage is supposed to be "til death do us part" but statistics show about fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. When two people get married and vow to love each other in good times and in bad are they thinking if it does not work out it will be alright there is always the choice of divorce. What happens to these couples that throw children in the mix? For some divorce is the easy way out but are they taking into consideration to how the children deal with the divorce?

1. How are children affected by divorce psychologically and emotionally?
2. Is there an age that is affected more than another and is there an age that is less affected?
3. Does divorce affect a certain gender more than the other?

Divorce is hard on everyone involved in a family dynamic with severe psychological and emotional problems being studied but how is it possible to know if these issues are caused by divorce or could they already be present in the children studied?

Monday, May 23, 2011

How are children affected by divorce?

This is my second quarter at TCC. I am at the beginning of my educational path with a very long term goal in mind. I am majoring in psychology and my eventual goal is to attain my Ph.D. and use my love of children and helping others to make the world a better place. (and world domination). I want to be able to give a voice to all the children that are unable to stand up for themselves. I want to be a child advocate for all those that are living in unhealthy environments. I come from a family with both biological parents in the home. My parents have been married for over thirty years. My husband grew up with both of his parents and they are still married as well. I look around and see that is a rare occurrence. I am curious how the children of divorced parents are affected by their choices. In what ways are children affected by divorce? Is there an age group that is affected more than another?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

my second quarter at TCC

Tomorrow is the beginning of my second quarter. I am having mixed emotions about returning. I am feeling very guilty about leaving my kids with a babysitter so i can go to class. My 7 year old is starting his spring break this week so he will be home with a sitter with his little brother (age 2) while I am at school. I would love to stay home with them. I feel like a bad mother for not being with them. I know that I am getting my education to better our life as a family. I also know that they will be fine without me for a little while.

I am looking forward to the new quarter. I enjoy learning new things and seeing how other people around me are adjusting to the new classes. I am nervous because I am shy and feel very uncomfortable meeting new people. This week will be jam packed with meeting new people in all my classes. Meeting instructors and finding out the ins and outs of my courses.

It should be interesting. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

And so it begins

I started this blog for my English 101 class. I do not really have any reason to have a blog but I am willing to try something new and maybe I will find things that I love. My biggest goal is to find out who I am besides a mother and a wife. I need to learn to love myself and to value me.

Starting with school
I am about to start my second quarter at Tacoma Community College. I have mixed emotions about it. I enjoy learning but I feel very guilty not being home with my children. They are my life. I need to learn to balance my time so I can be a great mom but also to be my own person.

We shall see what happens..........